Privacy Policy

  • Privacy Policy

 The COLCOAT CO., LTD. (Here in after the Company) recognizes the significance of the protection of personal information and ensures its protection according to the following policy:


The Company will obtain personal information through legal and fair means.


When obtaining personal information, the Company will clearly state the purpose of use in advance and use the obtained information only within the scope appropriate for the stated purpose of use.


The Company will not disclose the personal information it obtained to the third parties without obtaining prior consent, unless otherwise required by law. However, the Company may provide personal information to its subsidiaries, affiliated companies, outsources, and business partners without prior consent only for joint use purposes.


When the Company outsources the handling of personal information to a third party, it will ensure that the personal information is handled safely and properly by providing appropriate management and supervision.


The Company will maintain the integrity of personal information and manage it safely.


The Company shall implement appropriate information security measures against unauthorized access and computer viruses to prevent the loss, destruction, alteration, and leakage of personal information stored in a database as electronic data.


Upon receiving a request for disclosure, revision, suspension, or elimination of personal information from the information owner, the Company will do so as reasonable after verifying the identity of the person who submitted the request.


The Company shall provide employee training on the handling of personal information for educational purposes as well as to raise the level of awareness of the employees. In addition, the Company will assign a manager to be in charge of personal information at each relevant division to ensure proper management and use of such information in daily operations.

The purposes of use by the Company with regard to personal information from customers shall be as follows:

To provide customers information and services related to the Company's products and business activities;
To inform customers of conferences, meetings, and events;
To carry out the contract;
To conduct stock-related paperwork; and
To respond to inquiries.

Inquiries on our privacy policy

3-28-6, Omori-nishi, Ota-ku, Tokyo, Japan
Phone: 81-(0)3-3762-7481
Fax: 81-(0)3-3762-7482